Past Events

Black Politics – History Theory Workshop

WhenFriday, April 22 – Saturday, April 23, 2016

“After #Ferguson, After #Baltimore:
The Challenge of Black Death and Black Life for Black Political Thought”

Date: Friday 22 and Saturday 23 April 2016, 10.30 am – 5pm
Venue: The Heritage Room, Orrington Hotel


CAAH Faculty Colloquium: Dwight McBride

WhenWednesday, April 20, 2016 @ 12:30pm

Please join the Department of African American Studies and the Center for African American History for the fifth in our 2015-2016 Faculty Colloquium Series, featuring Dwight McBride. McBride is Dean of The Graduate School & Associate Provost, Daniel Hale Williams Professor of African American Studies, English, & Performance Studies and will be giving a talk titled, “Poetics, Politics, and Phillis Wheatley.”

The talk will be held in the John Evans Center at 12:30pm. Lunch will be provided.

Lunch will be provided.


Chabraja Center for Historical Studies and Center for African American History Distinguished Lecture:  Donna Murch

When:Wednesday, March 1, 2016 @ 12:30pm

Please join the Chabraja Center for Historical Studies and the Center for African American History for their annual Distinguished Lecture on African American History, featuring Donna Murch:

“Crack in Los Angeles: Policing the Crisis and the War on Drugs”

Donna Murch is Associate Professor of History at Rutgers University. In October 2010, Murch published the award-winning monograph Living for the City: Migration, Education and the Rise of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California with the University of North Carolina Press, which won the Phillis Wheatley prize in December 2011. She has published articles in the Journal of American History, Journal of Urban History, OAH Magazine of History, Black Scholar, Souls, Perspectives, New Politics, and Jacobin.

The award winning film maker Stanley Nelson’s Black Panther Party documentary, “Vanguard of the Revolution” featured her research and Murch’s recent essay, “Ferguson’s Inheritance,” on the historical continuities between the Watts rebellion and protests in the St. Louis metro area reached a broader audience beyond traditional academic venues. In addition to appearing in more popular publications, Murch co-edited a special edition of the Journal of Urban History on mass incarceration and urban spaces for the September 2015 issue. While working on a new book on the Reagan Era drug war in Los Angeles, Professor Murch is also completing an edited volume on the late twentieth carceral state entitled Challenging Punishment: Race and the War on Drugs.


CAAH Faculty Colloquium:  Lester K. Spence

WhenWednesday, February 24, 2016 @ 12:30pm

Please join the Department of African American Studies and Center for African American History for a talk by Lester Spence, titled, “Reimagining Black Rule.” The talk will be at 12:30pm in Crowe 5-138. Lunch will be provided.

Lester Spence is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Africana Studies at Johns Hopkins University and the Center for Emerging Media Scholar in Residence. He specializes in the study of US black, racial, and urban politics. Over the past decade he’s published articles on American institutional legitimacy in the wake of the contentious 2000 Presidential election, the effects of long-term black political empowerment on black participation, the role of media narratives on black attitudes about HIV/AIDS, and the determinants of support for black nationalism. With his first book Stare in the Darkness: The Limits of Hip-hop and Black Politics(2011 W. E. B. Du Bois Distinguished Book Award Winner)  he’s become particularly interested in black politics in the wake of the neoliberal turn. His second book Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics, represents a sequel of sorts. A proud native of the Detroit area, Dr. Spence received both his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Michigan and is the father of five children.

CAAH Faculty Colloquium: Celeste Watkins-Hayes

WhenWednesday, January 13, 2016 @ 12:30pm

Please join the Department of African American Studies and Center for African American History for a talk by Celeste Watkins-Hayes, titled, “Remaking a Life, Reversing an Epidemic:  HIV/AIDS and the Politics of Transformation” The talk will be at 12:30pm in Crowe 5-138. Lunch will be provided.

Celeste Watkins-Hayes received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Harvard University in June 2003. She also holds an M.A. in Sociology from Harvard and a B.A. from Spelman College, where she graduated summa cum laude in 1996. Celeste is Associate Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at Northwestern University and former Chair of the Department of African American Studies. In addition to her faculty appointments, Watkins-Hayes is a Faculty Fellow at Northwestern’s Institute for Policy Research and Cells to Society (C2S): The Center on Social Disparities and Health. She is author of The New Welfare Bureaucrats: Entanglements of Race, Class, and Policy Reform (2009).

CAAH Faculty Colloquium: Marcia Chatelain

When:  Wednesday, November 11, 2015 @ 12:30pm

“Did I do Right? Black Girls & Great Migration Citizenship”

Marcia Chatelain, a proud Chicago native, is Associate Professor of History and African-American Studies at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. Previously, she held the Reach for Excellence Assistant Professorship of Honors and African-American Studies at the University of Oklahoma Honors College. After graduating the University of Missouri-Columbia, Chatelain worked at the Truman Foundation, then completed her A.M. and Ph.D. from Brown University’s American Civilization department. Before moving to Oklahoma, Chatelain was the University of California-Santa Barbara’s Black Studies Fellow. Her areas of interest include African-American history, women’s and girls’ studies, and black food cultures. Dr. Chatelain is a 2011 German Marshall Fund of the U.S. Fellow and a 2013 Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Diversity Fellow. Her first book, South Side Girls: Growing Up in the Great Migration was published by Duke University Press in 2015. Her second book in progress, tentatively titled Burgers in the Age of Black Capitalism, traces the connections among civil rights, black political leadership, and the expansion of fast food in communities of color. In 2014, she organized #fergusonsyllabus to encourage educators to dedicate the first day of classes to discussing the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri after the killing of Michael Brown.

CAAH Faculty Colloquium: Mary Pattillo

WhenWednesday, October 21, 2015 @ 12:30pm

Our next installment in the African American Studies Faculty Colloquium Series will feature Mary Patillo, author of Black Picket Fences (1999) and Black on the Block (2007). Her talk, featured, “The Future of Black Metropolis,” considers the changing landscape of race and class in American cities. Seventy years after Drake and Cayton first coined the phrase, “black metropolis” to describe Chicago’s thriving south side ghetto, increasing numbers of blacks are moving to the south and to the suburbs. With ever fewer blacks inhabiting the iconic “inner-city” spaces of the first and second ghettos, what, if any, analytical purchase does the concept of black metropolis still hold?


CAAH Faculty Colloquium: Sylvester Johnson

WhenWednesday, September 30, 2015 @ 12:30pm

“The FBI and African American Islam, 1925-1975″